Lou Wilde

Heraclitian fire burns within their yearning soul
With doleful, melodious dancing in the hue
Of gentle, sublunary, earth-imbued eyes:
The Holy firmament finally conquered.

Factotum to the hands of fate–a plongeur
And slave to vicissitude and circumstance;
Thrown to the tempest-tossed vagaries of Abzu
With feet firmly planted in the interminable sands.

Defiantly, softly, they gaze upon me
My mind contemplates propitiation
Anything for a god to vouchsafe me pause
A reprieve from eternal conflagration.

Pillars of cloud and Divine Fire push the procession
Forward–grail upon their laden shoulders;
As the angel Gabriel exclaims, “Read, Read, Read!”
The word of the LORD rests listlessly upon their lips.